Identifying Climate Change Drivers, Hazards, and Impacts
in Texas’ Coastal Bend Region.
Oswald Jenewein (PI)
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture
College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs
Michelle Hummel (Co-PI)
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering
Karabi Bezboruah (Co-PI)
Associate Professor, Department of Public Affairs and Planning
College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs
Climate Change Adaptation, Vulnerable Communities, Environmental Injustice,
Sustainable Cities, Urban Ecology
This grant proposal seeks to identify climate change vulnerability drivers, their associated hazards, and the impacts they cause. Texas’ Coastal Bend Region is utilized as a case-study to ground this generic topic locally, highlighting major zones of environmental injustice. As an interdisciplinary study linking architecture, civil engineering, and public policy, this project investigates climate change impacts on the natural, cultural, and built environment to comprehensively assess the most significant hazards that put vulnerable coastal communities at risk. Following a participatory mixed-methods approach, this study will summarize the findings in a project report and a website, the Coastal Vulnerability Atlas, which is intended to serve as a climate adaptation guide for communities, organizations, and stakeholders along the Texas Coast.
Graduate Assistants:
Scott Bojanowski
Adan Hernandez Salazar
